Admissions » Admissions Process

Admissions Process

Ukiah Independent Study Academy (UISA)
Admission Procedures

Students who choose to enroll at Ukiah Independent Study Academy are considered as follows:

Criteria for Participation 
The Ukiah Independent Study Academy is for students in situations where their special interests, abilities or individual needs are not being met through traditional instructional approaches. These students must have the willingness and ability to successfully complete the educational requirements of Independent Study. Students who may be appropriately enrolled in Independent Study include, but are not limited to, students who:
  • have an understanding of and commitment to Independent Study;
  • have learning styles that can best be met through Independent Study;
  • are exceptional or gifted and need in-depth opportunities, which may include concurrent enrollment in post-secondary education or participation in visual or performing arts, athletics and/or sports; and
  • have experienced difficulty in adapting to the classroom setting, achieving academic success, or conforming to school rules and are ready to or have dropped out of school.
Eligibility for Ukiah Independent Study Academy (UISA):
The Independent Study Administrator may approve the participation of a student who demonstrates the motivation, commitment, organization and academic skills necessary to work independently. For an elementary student, the Independent Study Administrator may consider the parent/guardian’s level of commitment to assist the student.
The District/School is not obligated to permit a student to engage in Independent Study if it is not determined to be an appropriate alternative for the student (Title 5 Codes of Regulations 11700(d).

Selection or Intake Process
1. If you are currently enrolled in the Ukiah Unified School District you will need to contact your current school Administrator/Counselor and they will submit a referral to our office in the L Building 1000 Low Gap Rd. Ukiah, CA (707) 472-5906 or via email to [email protected].
2. If you reside outside of the Ukiah Unified School District you must contact your local school district to request an inter-district transfer. (See the attached Guidelines for Enrollment of Inter-district Students.)
3. Parent and student submit a letter to the UISA administrator. The letter should explain the following:
Student’s Letter:
A. Why the student wants to attend UISA.
B. The student’s plan for being successful at UISA.
i. Plan for completing homework on time
ii. Location of quiet study place where coursework will be completed
iii. List of activities in which the student participates
iv. Scheduling of weekly 20 hours of coursework considering outside/extra curricular activities
v. High School Students: State your plans after graduation from UISA

Parent’s Letter:
C. Reason for requesting that your student attend UISA
D. Plan for parental support of student’s academic progress
i. Location of quiet study place for completion of coursework
ii. Scheduling of weekly 20 hours of coursework considering outside/extra curricular activities
iii. Plan for parental assistance/support with academic coursework in the home
4. After Ukiah Independent Study Academy receives the referral and letters, UISA will contact you to set up an intake conference to determine if the student meets the criteria for Independent Study. The Independent Study Administrator will approve/deny any student participation.
5. If participation is approved, and space is available at UISA, parent will submit enrollment packet and student will complete withdrawal process from his/her current school.
6. Complete and submit all elements of the Independent Study Master Agreement with the supervising teacher and/or administrator.